Northwest Analogue Cartridge Repairs
We specialise in repairing phono cartridges. these include moving coil, moving magnet and moving iron cartridges.
This varies from retips to completely rebuilding a cartridge from the ground up, repairing and replacing components either from damage or wear. We can quite often improve the performance of a cartridge by using differing materials than the original manufacturer. This includes tip, coil and cantilever upgrades, better suspension components and also bodies where appropriate. We can transform many cartridges from the very humble to the very exotic. Better cantilevers will enhance the listening experience, better tips will extract more detail, better coils will open up the sound. A combination of some or all of these upgrades will elevate a moving coil cartridge to levels you thought were out of your budget. We have seen quite a number of questionable repairs and we would rather re build a cartridge from scratch than offer cheap repairs on such delicate and sensitive items.
We will need to assess the cartridge and advise on best course of action. There is a £100 inspection fee for cartridges sent in for possible repair. This charge will be included in any repair cost,
ie you will not be charged on top of repair costs.
Northwest Analogue not only repair cartridges but have created and designed our own moving coil cartridges. These are state of the art phono cartridges.
We specialise in repairing phono cartridges. these include moving coil, moving magnet and moving iron cartridges.
This varies from retips to completely rebuilding a cartridge from the ground up, repairing and replacing components either from damage or wear. We can quite often improve the performance of a cartridge by using differing materials than the original manufacturer. This includes tip, coil and cantilever upgrades, better suspension components and also bodies where appropriate. We can transform many cartridges from the very humble to the very exotic. Better cantilevers will enhance the listening experience, better tips will extract more detail, better coils will open up the sound. A combination of some or all of these upgrades will elevate a moving coil cartridge to levels you thought were out of your budget. We have seen quite a number of questionable repairs and we would rather re build a cartridge from scratch than offer cheap repairs on such delicate and sensitive items.
We will need to assess the cartridge and advise on best course of action. There is a £100 inspection fee for cartridges sent in for possible repair. This charge will be included in any repair cost,
ie you will not be charged on top of repair costs.
Northwest Analogue not only repair cartridges but have created and designed our own moving coil cartridges. These are state of the art phono cartridges.
HIFI Choice Recommended five star award in the October 2014 issue for our cartridge repair service. Thank you Mr Price for the wonderful review.

A typical repair. This Fritz Gyger tip was fitted to a Koetsu cartridge.

Ruby cantilever with Fritz Gyger S tip

Winding new coils for a Koetsu

Kiseki Purpleheart. I received this cartridge which was deemed beyond repair. While re building it, I converted this to the smaller V coils giving it better 3D soundstage. A stunning cartridge.
The two Koetsu cartridges here have also been completely re built from the ground up
Depending upon the damage, many cartridges can be repaired or upgraded with better cantilevers and tips.
I can also repair damaged coils etc. I will need to assess the cartridge and advise on best course of action.
There is a £100 inspection fee, not charged if any work undertaken.
Some customer feed back-
'Dear Dominic
I have fitted my newly re tipped Koetsu Rosewood signature and had a few days to try it out.
This is by far the best re tip i have had done with the Fritz Gyger tip,the sound is out of this world even after only about 12 hours playing,The soundstage is massive and the bass goes lower than ever.
I must congratulate you on your excellent service and workmanship thank you very much. Jeff.'
As a vinyl fanatic since the 70's I do end up with quite a few cartridges that have gathered dust in a drawer for decades. When I was introduced to Dominic I send him a few of my damaged cartridges.
I found, as a busy man he is very good at replying queries which is very refreshing and helpfull.
My little used Dynavector 23R - little use due to my lack of knowledge about step-up transformers - lost one channel; Dom was very effective in opening it up and reconnecting it and it is back singing beautifully; it is an amazing sweet sounding cartridge with the kind of spine tingling filligree detail retrieval that makes LP coming back to life (e.g. Ella on the Cole Porter album).
I had a string of Technics P205 MM that sufferred collapsed suspensions; Dom had a go at a couple, they came back to life, but alas only for a few days before the readjusted suspensions gave up again - poor quality control in my batch or stylii; but no charge from Dom, so can't be fairer.
I had a Yamaha 1s MC that came with a DD and linear tracking arm, with a broken cantilever. Dom refitted a new boron cantilever and Gyger II diamond tip. It is beautifully fitted. It tracks like a dream (anything, e.g. soprano lieder on an LP with 1.5mm warp and 1mm out-of-centre pressing, no sweat!). great stereo image which means to me that Dom set it right, the man had good eyes and really steady hands. It has a warm dynamic sound and does beautifully on voices and Jazz. I am amazed that the suspension material on the Dynavector and the Yamaha could last so well since the 1980's.
So, great prompt service at reasonable charge from Dom, with a smile = a great resource for us vinyl fanatics. Mr Toan. New Zealand.
Got my Lyra Helikon back after a FG2 retip I have to say the improvement was unexpected. A great cart to start with but after the new tip went on I could not believe the new detail, high and low and the rebirth is now complete. Surface noise exceptionally low, tracking spot on, separation wider and enjoyment factor 10/10. Well done Dom.
Note of thanks for the G800 upgrade - really, really pleased.
My Adikt is now at the back of the drawer!
This cart really rocks now you have weaved your magic on it!
Apologies for taking so long on getting back to you with feedback on the Upgrade to my Rondo Blue. About two days after I received it back from you I took delivery of a new pair of Monitor Audio speakers, and it has taken just about this length of time to get them run in. The sound was so different that it was difficult to tell whether it was the cart or the speakers that was making the difference. Now things have sorted themselves out I can now state that the brightness and really quite hardness of the sound was down to the speakers.That's now gone The clarity,pace and almost 3-D effect I put down to the cart. I do recognise that the Rondo Blue is not one of Ortofon's greatest products, but you have turned it into one. It's always difficult to put into words how one hears particular changes to the sound of musical instruments. The only way I can describe it is that individual sounds now have a texture to them. I noticed it particularly with recordings of Cello music. I can hear the bow moving across the strings and the resultant sound has a resonance to it. Just like the real thing not a facsimile as was the case before. Additionally this cart now plays any type of music quite happily. The old Rondo was fine for playing accoustic music. Anything of an electrical nature was a bit stodgy and sort of lifeless. NOT ANY MORE. I played the LP Troubador by JJ Cale and the only description I can give is that it was like listening to black velvet as the sound washed over me. I think from this you can tell I'm a very happy bunny indeed. Thank you so much for enhancing my listening experience. J. Higgins. (Ruby cantilever and Fritz Gyger S fitted)
Koetsu Red T
Hi Natalie and Dom
Cart received safely last Saturday and fitted yesterday.
Initial impressions are really good. Still definitely a koetsu, but with increased detail and improved bass reproduction. I also realise now just how far the azimuth on the old cart was out, and the correctly-angled cantilever has lightened and added air to the sound, which makes me think the previous VTA was also a bit out.
Many thanks again for all your efforts in bringing my cartridge back to life. It's really appreciated.
Best wishes
I collected the cart today, and fitted it an hour or so ago. It sounds absolutely wonderful - much better than it did before. Thank you for doing such a good job - I will be sending you more carts in the future. John (Benz LP re tipped with FG S)
Hi Natalie and Dominic. Thanks for retipping my Koetsu Red Signature. After 50 hours for breaking, I can tell about it: surface noise is very, very low, sound from my vinyls is the best I ever heard (warm, detailed, smooth with controlled bass...). Stylus rides over the grooves and your only feel the music. Awesome!
I am shocked yet, because I never thought a retip could do this. Fortunately this isn´t a dream and I enjoy my Koetsu every day.
I´ll send you my Benz LP in the future, sure.
Thanks for your amazing job.
Lorenzo (Koetsu Red Signature retipped with FG II), Spain.
I recently decided to take the plunge and get my beloved Lyra Clavis cartridge back to something like its original glory. After considering various options I spoke to Dom and his experience and advice convinced me he was the man for the job.
All the way through the process Dom kept me informed of what was going on and exactly how much it would cost. My cartridge was returned to me within the month which was far quicker than I expected.
However, the proof of the pudding is in the listening! On hearing the first track my thought was "wow!" - I was reminded of how the cartridge originally sounded all those years ago when I first bought it. The improvement has been astonishing and it is all down to the expertise and care than Dom has put in. I am now discovering my record collection all over agian. I cannot thank him enough and would highly recommend him to others considering refurbishing their cartridge. Chris.
Warning!!!! Do not entrust your cartridge to this man unless you seriously want to enjoy your music,
massive soundstage , darkness, space , and bass in buckets.
Great job guys , Reassuring to know your there.
sincere regards , Matt (Denon DL304 upgraded with boron cantilever and line contact tip)
Have given the Dv20 an hours exercise - what a bloody revelation. This cart sounds absolutely superb
It was noticeable how high the body sits relative to the vinyl now - the canti seems to be at a steeper angle (have set the VTA parallel via the headshell for now). Tracking at 1.75g. Bliss!!! This has got to be the best I have heard my system - the dynamics seem to be far greater.
- tried a couple of tracks on Famous Blue Raincoat which have always had a little distortion/sibilance - this time they sailed through smoothly. Bass is back and tighly defined (I thought I may have lost this when I moved from the Lp12 to the 401).. Mark. Dynavector DV20 upgraded with boron cantilever and line contact stylus.
Hi Just wanted to leave a note and tell the Koetsu Black is just wonderful. It makes my DL103(in alubody) sound like a cheap mm:-) Before i got it i felt a little bad about spending so much money on a cartridge. Now i am smiling. I have it in a Micro Seiki MA505mkII. It goes through Denon HA1000 su/Bottlehead riaa and ends up in the room via Lowther pm4a in fronthorns. Very revealing system that likes the Koetsu very much. Superb work my friend!
Koetsu Black fitted with ruby cantilever /FG II tip.
Hi Dominic,
I just wanted to drop a quick email to thank you for the excellent repair job you did on my koetsu cartridge.
These is one downside and that is I'm not getting enough sleep as I'm too busy listening to music.
I must admit I was a bit worried that my cartridge would lose some of that "Koetsu" magic after re-tipping but it lost none of it, in fact it's tracking better now than it ever did.
Thanks again
Kind Regards
WHOA!What strange alchemy is this?From the moment the needle hit the groove,I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face-that was a week ago.Huge sound stage,great imaging,amazing bass-this cartridge is wonderful! My Cadenza blue has gone back into its box,seems somewhat sterile by comparison. More than anything,this cart is just so musical that it almost defies belief! Many thanks to you both,it's a rare service you provide these days. Jason[Fidelity Research FR1 MK3F,boron cantilever and line contact tip]
The first thing to say is thank you to the Northwest Analogue team, Dominic and Natalie made my re-tipping experience very easy. Yes, its been an experience, a journey from the skepticism of re-tipping to total belief. Their customer service and enthusiasm is of the first order.
My beloved Sumiko was sounding very poorly, gone was the image and beguilingly natural presentation. You don't notice it for a long time, but eventually the penny drops, what is wrong with my hifi? To replace my Sumi would cost £1350.00 less a couple or three hundred allowance on trade in . . . , in these hard times one has to think 'hard'.
To cut to the chase, I got my cartridge back in one week, that's brilliant in its self. Dominic had put a few needle hours on it to ensure all was well. What can I say, it was like being reunited with an old friend. Smooth and natural, a convincing warm and easy presentation.
As one has put listening time in, the sound has become even more endearing and inviting. Difficult to describe but the word organic comes to mind. One is not aware of the cartridge or the system, but simply what the artist was trying to convey, as I say, natural and organic, as easy as the wind blowing across a warm summer meadow . . .
My Sumiko Pearwood Celebration is at least as good as it was . . . ah what the hell, its better, I cant keep away from the records! I am listening to LP's I had dismissed as not worth the effort, they have new life and presence.
Surface noise is so low, just the odd pop and click, no more background frying bacon, not even on my oldest records, some of which are 50 years old!
A real revelation; I'm listening to classical music in a totally different light, orchestra sections can be followed with ease, individual instruments can be heard, no longer is it presented as a wall of sound.
In a sentence . . . the Northwest Analogue's re-tip has potentially changed my hifi life, thank you Dominic and Natalie.
Cliff Stone
"Dominic replaced my damaged cantilever on my silver coiled, Goldring Elite with one made of boron. It has made it twice the cartridge it was before. I was a little doubtful about spending as much on a new cantilever as the cost to swap it out under Goldring's exchange scheme. But, If you were blindfolded you would swear that this was a completely different, and much better, system. My recommendation is to buy a Goldring Elite and send it straight off to Dominic for the boron treatment. You will end up with the best cartridge this side of £1000. I think we have discovered a little hi-fi secret here! " Johnny.
Hi Natalie, Dom Our first impressions? Stunning! It took a little while and a bit of tinkering with the tracking force but we got there. Tracking at just under 1.7gm we started some serious vinyl bashing and everything played delivered pleasant surprises. Top and mid was clear and sharp revealing details and nuances previously unheard. Bass was something else! Solid and punchy with tremendous depth. On Yello's "Flag" album it was, on occasions, subterranean. We almost left the room. Well, almost. Dominic, the quality and workmanship you performed on my cartridge is truly impressive - I now have a new record collection. Everything I've played has been fantastic. Thank you both for the first class job and excellent service and communication. Will be in touch with you to arrange a date to visit NWA a bit later in the year.
(Koetsu Urushi completely rebuilt)